For a small fee, we can check the name of any individual or organisation of your choice against a worldwide database containing information on sanctioned persons, politically exposed persons (PEPs), financial crime and financial crime-related adverse media.

The benefits of our service are:

  • Know who you are dealing with: Know-your-client (KYC) checks are essential in an increasingly remote world.
  • Protect yourself against fraud: The database we use includes financial crime and financial crime-related adverse media information.
  • Comply with anti-money laundering (AML) requirements: Depending on your sector, you may need to carry on KYC checks before you accept a new client.
  • Saves you money:  Only pay a one-off fee for each individual search without the need to buy any subscription.

Simply click the Buy Now button below  and email the name you wish to check to [email protected]. We aim to send you our search results within one working day.

The price for this service is £100.

For any questions, you can contact us at [email protected] or +44 20 7502 6621.

Disclaimer:  This service is provided by Chelsea Publishing Limited on an “as is” basis based on a search of an external sanctions, PEPs, financial crime and financial crime-related adverse media database. We are not responsible for any inaccuracy or incompleteness of such database and you must not rely solely on our search for AML, KYC or background screening purposes. Our liability for  the provision of this service is limited to the amount of our fee.  © 2022-2023 Chelsea Publishing Limited.  All rights reserved.